

Increasing Our Employees’ Awareness of the Nabtesco Way

The Group established the Nabtesco Way in October 2012. It is a collective term that signifies our Corporate Philosophy, Our Promises and the Action Guidelines, which has been shared by all employees to support each employee’s work and judgment. Its aim is to increase the sense of unity in the Nabtesco Group and facilitate even better cohesion.

Wanting our employees to share and embrace the values expressed in The Nabtesco Way even more widely and deeply, we have been providing briefings on the values as part of our level-specific training and through workshops. Moreover, we are organizing workplace meetings on the values during The Nabtesco Way Month, which we have been holding since FY2013.

During The Nabtesco Way Month for FY2022, we conducted a survey on Group employees’ level of agreement with The Nabtesco Way, with a view to understanding the present situation for the revision of The Way. As a result of analyzing the responses of more than 5,000 Group employees in and outside Japan, it was confirmed that the level of agreement with The Nabtesco Way is generally high among Group employees. Some issues were, however, pointed out, both by those who strongly agree with The Way and by those whose agreement was less assured. In reference to the survey results, we are reviewing the details of The Way with a view to making it more engaging in order to further encourage Group employees to take actions to become “Leaders in Innovation,” as upheld in our long-term vision.

Workshop on The Nabtesco Way

Workshop on The Nabtesco Way

Survey on employees’ level of agreement with The Nabtesco Way (conducted in 2022)

Survey on employees’ level of agreement with The Nabtesco Way
  • *Survey period: June to July 2022
  • *Method: Anonymous questionnaire survey (online and by using a hardcopy form)
  • *Number of respondents: 5,069 (2,081 employees of Nabtesco Corporation, 2,017 employees of Group companies in Japan, and 971 employees of Group companies outside Japan)
  • *Details: Respondents were asked to evaluate the degree of their agreement with The Way on a scale of one to five for the following items: Corporate Philosophy, Our Promises and Action Guidelines. They were also asked to give reasons for any disagreement and identify anything they think is lacking (by choosing from the given options as well as expressing their views in their own words).

During The Nabtesco Way Month in 2024, we plan to conduct the activity to raise awareness of the revised version of The Nabtesco Way among Group employees in and outside Japan.

The Nabtesco Way has been translated into seven languages, and we periodically conduct awareness-raising activities on The Nabtesco Way in overseas subsidiaries. In 2019, we carried out training in China to deepen the understanding of The Nabtesco Way and promote specific behavior changes by asking employees “What does The Nabtesco Way mean to you?” and making them think about their answers. We will continue to promote The Nabtesco Way across the Nabtesco Group in the future.

Employee Engagement (based on employee questionnaire)

We conduct employee awareness surveys regularly to make our organization better. Based on the results of the employee questionnaire, we quantifiably visualize the state of each organization and analyze it to identify issues and improve.

  FY2017 FY2020 FY2022 FY2023 (Target)
Employee Engagement 69.3% 69.9% 69.2% 78.6%
(Male) 69.5% 70.5% 69.3% -
(Female) 69.2% 69.4% 69.6% -
Coverage of employee respondents 100% 100% 100% -
Response rate 97% 99% 97% -
  • *The calculation scope covers only Nabtesco Corporation.
  • *We conducted organizational diagnostics every 2 to 3 years until FY 2021, but from FY 2022, we have switched to conducting it annually.
  • *We evaluate the indicators “Relationships between senior and junior workers” and the “State of the organization” according to seven grades (1: Completely disagree; 2: Disagree; 3: Somewhat disagree; 4: Neither agree nor disagree; 5: Somewhat agree; 6: Agree; 7: Completely agree) and rate the results (4 or more is defined as satisfied).

Employee Incentives

We offer a variety of award programs that involve all employees, such as the Nabtesco Award, Corporate Citizenship Award, and Intellectual Property Reward, to employees who have made remarkable contributions to society, the reduction of environmental impacts (especially to the mitigation of climate change) and to the company. These awards aim to foster a corporate culture that embraces innovation and creativity in its operations and raises employees’ willingness to take on new challenges. Awards are granted in cash, with the amounts being decided according to the level of contribution made by each awardee.

In FY2022, awards totaling approximately 25 million yen were presented to 891 recipients.