Sustainability Disclosure Policy

Sustainability Disclosure Policy


  • Nabtesco Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries

Non-financial information described on this website covers activities conducted by Nabtesco Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries. However, a portion of the non-financial data pertains only to Nabtesco Corporation.

Performance data

Nabtesco has changed the closing date of its fiscal year from March 31 to December 31 since FY2015. The consolidated results for FY2015 were calculated on a basis of 9 months (April – December 2015) for Nabtesco Corporation and the consolidated subsidiaries in Japan, and 12 months (January – December 2015) for the overseas consolidated subsidiaries.

Please note that to make year-on-year comparison of the “2016/12 Plan” and FY2015 results under the same conditions, the FY2015 results were calculated using “2015/12 (referential)” (on the basis of 12 months for Nabtesco Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan and overseas). Moreover, Nabtesco started to adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in FY2017. For comparison with FY2017, FY2016 results were presented on the IFRS basis.

Forward-looking statements

Any estimates on this website, including any statement about future performance and measures, are made based on management’s beliefs and assumptions in light of information available that is deemed reasonable at the time when such estimate was made. Actual results may therefore differ materially from the estimates shown on this website, depending on various important factors such as economic conditions in major markets in Japan and overseas and fluctuations in exchange rates.