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New Management Structure and Changes in Officers (PDF 180KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
- Human Resources & Organization
Announcement of Changes in Representative Directors and Directors (PDF 307KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
- Human Resources & Organization
Announcement on Recording of Extraordinary Gains in the Individual Settlement Accounts (Japanese GAAP) associated with the Sale of Shares Held by Nabtesco Corporation and Revision of Non-Consolidated Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending December (PDF 367KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Final settlement
FY2022/12 Q3 Results Briefing Q&A (PDF 51KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
FY2022/12 Q3 Results Briefing (PDF 4MB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
Referential data for FY2022 Q1-Q3 consolidated result and revisions of full-year forecast by sub segments (PDF 160KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
Notice of the Revision to FY2022 Financial Forecast (PDF 463KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022 (PDF 269KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
FY2022/12 Q2 Result Briefing Q&A (PDF 83KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Second quarter
Results Briefing for the First Six-month of the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022 (PDF 4MB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Second quarter
Referential data for FY2022 H1 consolidated result and revisions of full-year forecast (PDF 430KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Second quarter
Notice of the Differences between FY2022 First Six-month of Consolidated Financial Results and its Financial Forecast, and the Revision to FY2022 Financial forecast (PDF 465KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Second quarter
Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022 (IFRS) (PDF 515KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Second quarter
Announcement on the Completion of Partial Sale of Shares (PDF 158KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
Announcement of release for the Integrated Report FY2021 (PDF 189KB)
- Investor Relations
- Integrated report
FY2022/12 Q1 Results Briefing Q&A (PDF 42KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- First quarter
FY2022/12 Q1 Results Briefing Web-conference Material (PDF 4MB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- First quarter
Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022 (IFRS) (PDF 386KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- First quarter
Corporate Governance Report (PDF 404KB)
- Investor Relations
- Corporate governance report
Extraordinary Report (PDF 106KB)
- Investor Relations
- General meeting of shareholders
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