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FY2015/3 Annual Briefing Presentation (with notes) (PDF 3MB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Final settlement
Upward Revision of Dividend (PDF 41KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
(Correction to Numerical Data) Announcement of Partial Correction to the XBRL Data Attached to the Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2015 (Japanese GAAP) (PDF 16KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
Reference Data associated with Business Segment ending December 31, 2015 (Based on Twelve Months) (PDF 48KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Final settlement
Nabtesco Group received order for the passenger doors from Siemens AG (PDF 42KB)
- Business
- Railroad Vehicle Equipment
Nabtesco Successively Selected for Inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index Series, a Global Benchmark for Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) (PDF 17KB)
- Sustainability
- ESG evaluation/Certification
Nabtesco Awarded Boeing 777X Primary Flight Control Actuation Systems Contract (PDF 81KB)
- Business
- Aircraft Equipment
Daiwa Investment Conference Tokyo 2015 Presentation (PDF 3MB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Others
Announcement concerning the Acquisition of Hyest Corporation (PDF 103KB)
- Business
- Hydraulic Equipment
Announcement on the Establishment of Production Facilities for Precision Reduction Gears in China, and the Reorganization of Nabtesco’s Hydraulic Equipment Business in China (PDF 48KB)
- Business
- Precision Reduction Gears
(Corrections)Announcement of Partial Correction of the Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015 (PDF 44KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015 (PDF 216KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
Conference call material for FY2015/3 Q3result (PDF 144KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
Announcement on Revisions of Financial Forecasts (PDF 29KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Third quarter
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