Management of Waste and Other Emissions

Activities for Waste Reduction

Prevention and Reduction of Pollution

Activities for Waste Reduction: Basic Approach

Concept of Waste Reduction

Activities to Reduce Landfill Waste

The Nabtesco Group is fostering the activities to reduce landfill waste to zero based on the approach of 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle)—the basic practice for establishing a resource-circulating society—, to reduce waste generated by our business activities.

Activities for Waste Reduction: Measures

Waste Reduction Targets and Results

In FY2023, we achieved the Zero Emissions target of 0%. We will continue to promote 3Rs in FY2024 in order to maintain the Zero Emissions rate of 0%.

*Here “zero” means 0.05% or lower

Target for waste reduction Zero emissions : (Group target) 0% Zero emissions rate of (percentage of landfill waste vs. total emissions)

Targets and Results of FY2023

Targets Results Status
Zero emissions rate: 0.05% or below Zero emissions rate: 0% Achieved

Volume of Waste Generated

Volume of Waste Generated

Volume of Landfill Waste and Zero Emissions Ratios

Volume of Landfill Waste and Zero Emissions Ratios
Breakdown of emissions
Valuable materials metal, oil, cardboard, etc.
Material recycling oil, sludge, wood, liquid, plastic, etc.
Thermal recycling packaging, general waste, plastic, etc.
Incineration general waste, plastic, etc.
Detoxification water-soluble oil, alkalis, etc.
Landfill sludge, plastic, glass

Measures to Reduce Hazardous Waste

The Nabtesco Group implements thoroughgoing waste management, so waste containing hazardous substances is not emitted.

Measures to Reduce Use of Raw Materials

By reusing components and reducing the production of new ones, Nabtesco is working to minimize the use of resources.

We have been fostering the MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul) business to optimized the use of resources and expand sales in the service field.

Prevention and Reduction of Pollution: Basic Approach

Concept of Prevention and Reduction of Pollution

The Nabtesco Group is working to identify, reduce the use, and prevent the leakage of substances that impact the environment as a result of its business operations. For the plants that are planned to be rebuilt or refurbished, we conduct surveys as required by the related laws and regulations and when pollution is detected, we report it to the local government and conduct necessary purification measures.

Prevention and Reduction of Pollution: Measures

Pollution Prevention and Reduction Targets and Results

In FY2022, as a result of conducting a soil contamination investigation following the start of the first phase of reconstruction work at the Tarui Plant in Gifu, which manufactures hydraulic equipment, lead was detected in an amount exceeding the regulatory standard in some part of the surface soil. In response, we conducted an additional investigation and confirmed that the detection of lead in an excessive amount was limited to the soil surface and the lead did not have any impact on underground water. We reported the survey results to Gifu Prefecture and removed the contaminated soil and implemented other necessary measures in line with the related laws and regulations, thereby preventing the incident from causing any impact to the external environment.

In FY2023, we completed implementation of the soil contamination measures and submitted a completion report, which was accepted by Gifu Prefecture.

Targets and Results of FY2023 for Prevention and Reduction of Pollution

Item Targets Results
(Unit: kg/one million yen)
Scope Targets
(Unit: kg/one million yen)
Control of chemical substances Volume of PRTR chemical substances used
(per unit of sales)
0.23 or below
(2022 actual results)
2023 0.21 Achieved
Volatile organic compound (VOC) atmospheric emissions
(per unit of sales)
0.158 or below
(2022 actual results)
2023 0.130 Achieved

Volume of Major PRTR Chemical Substances Used

Volume of Major PRTR Chemical Substances Used

VOC Atmospheric Emissions

VOC Atmospheric Emissions