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Summary of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended (PDF 802KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Final settlement
Awarded the Highest Rating from CDP in Three Environmental Fields Inclusion in the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard 2020 (PDF 89KB)
- Sustainability
- Environment
- Sustainability
- ESG evaluation/Certification
Q&A Session at the Briefing on the News Releases Concerning the Dissolution of the Cooperative Relationship with Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. ("HDS") (PDF 142KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Others
《Supplement》Dissolution of Cooperative Relationship with Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. and the Other Announcements (PDF 550KB)
- Investor Relations
- Financial statements
- Others
Announcement on Setting the Maximum Allowance for Acquisition of Own Shares and Cancellation of Treasury Shares (PDF 141KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
Announcement on Dissolution of Cooperative Relationship with Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.and Change in Equity-method Affiliates and Recording of Associated Gains (as of the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021) (PDF 272KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure
Announcement on Partial Sale (Planned) of Shares and the Other Assets Held by Nabtesco Corporation (PDF 263KB)
- Investor Relations
- Timely disclosure