Analyst Coverage

Names of institutions and analysts

(Alphabetical Order of Company Names)

Affiliated organization Analyst name
BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Kenjin Hotta
Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. Graeme McDonald
CLSA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Morten C. Paulsen
Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. Hirosuke Tai
Jefferies Japan Limited Tokyo Branch Sho Fukuhara
Mito Securities Co., Ltd. Yoichiro Watanabe
MorganStanley Asia limited Lisa Jiang
NOMURA SECURITIES Co., Ltd. Kentaro Maekawa
SMBC Nikko Securities Satoshi Taninaka
Tachibana Securities Co., Ltd. Yoshikazu Shimada
Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd. Mitsuyuki Oodaira
  • *This list is intended to provide information about analysts who have conducted analysis and forecasts on the business performance of Nabtesco, and information about the institutions to which these analysts belong. Hence, this list is not intended to solicit investors or recommend them to buy the stock of the company. The list does not indicate that our company supports forecasts, views and recommendations made by the listed analysts, or guarantees the consistency of such information.
  • *Both analysts listed above and non-listed analysts analyze the business performance, operations, products and technologies of Nabtesco, or forecast its business results on a regular or irregular basis based on their own judgment. Neither our company, nor the company’s top management, has been involved in any way in the process of making such analyses or forecasts.
  • *We request shareholders and investors to make final trading decisions on their own responsibility when they invest in our company.